This week I challenged myself to come up with outfits using only pieces bought from a thrift store. (Alright, alright, not everything here is from a thrift store, but it’s all second hand. I got a few things on Ebay, you know, the internet version of a thrift store.) Because I pride myself on being an ‘accomplished thrifter’ and because I write a blog that celebrates thrift store style, I though this would be an easy task, but it was really hard! I came up with a lot of outfits that were pretty good, but they lacked an element of ‘Wow!’ that’s normally had by adding the latest and greatest J Crew bauble or a super trendy Zara jacket. Getting the job done took a lot of creativity and a lot of style-soul searching, but perhaps that’s why I felt so stunning and cool in each of these outfits.

First up is a shining example of two items I always look for in every thrift store I visit – DRESSES and COATS. I found this silk Doncaster shirt dress for $5 at a Salvation Army. The fabric is luscious, I love the color, and it’s easily belted for a whole different look. Doesn’t it kind of look like that J Crew silk shirt dress that’s on sale right now (but still a little pricey)? The jacket fit so well I had to have it, and I find myself ‘needing it’ again and again as the only way to perfectly finish certain outfits.

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